Series 2

Series 2
Much of the BBC’s flagship cop show Line of Duty takes place around a table in meetings. This is often the setting for L&D dramas, so how can sprinkle some of their stardust over our productions?

April 21, 2022

Series 2
Exposition is necessary in drama, but it’s a necessary evil. In the exchanges between 007and Q the Bond movies show how we can “make exposition into ammunition”with character.

April 21, 2022

Series 2
Game of Thrones is impossible to follow –unless you are plugged into to all it’s other media outlets. As such GOT is an excellent model for an L&D campaign,with a high-budget drama at its centre and cheapermedia being employed to discuss it.

April 21, 2022

Series 2
The Good Fight is probably the single best workplace drama around just now. I look at a single episode that takes a surprising look at racism in the workplace. It confronts us with difficult issues in a way that’s both entertaining and funny. And it makes us think.

April 21, 2022

Series 2
This movie left me wanting to find out more. You can teach some broad principles and even a few facts and figures with drama, and it can be verysticky learning, but if you try to use drama to teach semantic detail, you’ll undermine its core strength as a learning tool.

April 21, 2022

Series 2
In L&D there is a widespread misconception that if you make a character bland, uncharacterised,or even not there, (by dint of putting the camera in the position of the protagonist), this willmaximise empathy. That isjust wrong. In this analysis I show how the Breaking Bad pilot episode creates a drug-dealing killer who isa sympathetic human being.

April 21, 2022