Improving the quality of video drama for learning.

Author of Watch & Learn:

Designing, writing, commissioning & producing effective video drama for learning.


Tom Hickmore

Tom Hickmore began making corporate video in the 1980’s and has specialized in video drama for learning since 1996.

In 2021 he suddenly understood how he could improve the quality of drama in learning, so he wrote a book and began a conversation.

‘As much as our learners like to relax with a box set or blockbuster, drama can also be an impactful way for them to learn. Tom’s guide is the perfect tool for learning designers hoping to use this medium to its fullest potential.’

Charlotte Iwanejko


‘Videos are one thing, videos for learning are another. Tom is the best I know in the business as he understands both the craft and learning theory and practice.’

Donald Clark

CEO at Wildfire Learning

Author of

Watch & Learn

Everything you need to know to produce great video drama for learning, in one short volume.

'This is written by someone, with the experience and background in learning videos, to stop you making the rookie errors. Tons of stuff on process but it's the advice on dialectical storytelling, building character and scripting that pay back dividends. Best book I've read on this subject.'
Amazon reviewer


What Can TV Teach L&D?

Tom Hickmore presents What Can TV Teach L&D? Die Hard
Just in time for Christmas 2022 here’s a video about the classic movie Die Hard. Is it a Christmas movie? I suggest it is, and spend the video in a humorous analysis of the themes of the movie to prove the point.

December 19, 2022

What Can TV Teach L&D? - Star Wars
I’m giving a talk about drama in learning at this year’s Learning Technologies event on May the 4th. so of course I had to reference Star Wars!

April 26, 2022

Series 1
In which I reflect upon the anthropology of storytelling: how it functions to hold together large groups,how we see this demonstrated in Gogglebox and how we can apply this in the world of learning and development.

April 21, 2022

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