Series 3

Series 3
In this episode I draw two lessons from Jaws that we can apply to drama in learning: 1. How story builds context toallow a viewer to create their own meaning2. How to create character conflict without painting either character as “bad”.

April 21, 2022

Series 3
Rear Window is a classic movie and a technical tour de force. But it’s not the kind of technique that draws attention to itself. In this episode I look at Hitchcock’s use of the Kuleshov effect and explain the stealthy power of fundamental film technique that anyone thinking of making a video drama should be aware of.

April 21, 2022

Series 3
The Shawshank Redemption is a redemption plot. This is a genre of film that looks back over life events in flashback with a voice-over and, of course, ends with a redemption. This is similar to story structures often used in L&D –when something goes wrong,and a characterreflects on it in flashback. I bring out the tropes so we can credibly work in this genre.

April 21, 2022

Series 3
Think of the paradigm for a table. Okay, you might want to make a table with three legs and a hole in the middle, but, especially when you’re working in a team, it helps to know what the archetypal table looks like as a starting point. In this episode I teach the classic story paradigm using Finding Nemo as the exemplar.

April 21, 2022