
In the post-mortems of the 2024 US Presidential election, one accusation rings out repeatedly: that the wealthy, college-educated leaders of the Democratic Party struggle to speak the language of the working-class people they aim to represent. Trump, on the other hand, speaks in a way that resonates with that audience.

November 17, 2024

The landscape of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the United States is experiencing a significant shift. A series of campaigns led by right-wing activists have prompted several major companies to roll back their DEI initiatives. As UK businesses observe these developments, it’s crucial to understand the underlying factors and potential consequences to make informed decisions about their own DEI commitments…

September 21, 2024

Did you know? Gossip isn’t just idle chatter—it’s a powerful tool for social cohesion and moral communication. My latest newsletter explores how storytelling and gossip can be harnessed to change behaviour. By creating compelling video dramas, we can engage audiences emotionally and drive compliance. Discover how to hack the gossip engine for positive change.

July 27, 2024

Drama is formed from conflict and it is articulated around decision-making. This is another reason that it is so useful for workplace communications. Our duty at work is to make continual decisions as an agent of the organisation. But we are not machines and our emotions are continually challenged by the demands of duty. Drama is one of the most powerful aids for facilitating productive conversation about the emotional elements of work. What TV show have you enjoyed that pertained to your workplace experience?

June 22, 2024

This is not a toy. Only the young or the hopelessly commonsensical dip it into liquid soap, content with bubbles. Curl your fingers around the handle, lift it to your mouth, and flick the switch. Say what you long to say. The fan is small, but its aim is true. You will be heard. This poetical story by Colson Whitehead was the main text in an auction entry on eBay for the bubble blowing gun in the picture. The gun was purchased for 50 cents and achieved a final bid price of $36… Do stories make us value things more?

June 8, 2024

It was back in 2021 when I first entertained the idea of using the Gogglebox format in an L&D setting.

May 11, 2024

When things change, our world shifts, and we must adapt. Grieving illustrates this process vividly, shaking our emotional landscape and prompting us to reshape our understanding of events. The classic stages of grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance – describe the emotional journey we undergo when facing significant change.

April 27, 2024

Fill your heart with love today Don’t play the game of time Things that happened in the past Only happened in your Mind You might be familiar with this Biff Rose song from David Bowie’s recording. It’s a beautiful idea. If we can let go of things and move forward, a world of possibility is open to us. But people’s identities are tied up with stories. Stories of past events that are hard to escape.

April 13, 2024

Our brains perceive a challenge to our belief system in the same way as a physical threat. This is why marketers tend to avoid direct challenges when they want you to change your behaviour.

March 30, 2024

News story, life story, love story, war story, success story, horror story, origin story, crime story, sob story, true story, fairy story; story is everywhere and our society is held together with stories. “There are no facts, only interpretations.” – Friedrich Nietzsche How do you use story to engage with your colleagues?

March 16, 2024